Use "oration|orations" in a sentence

1. 5 Emerson's oration was disjointed.

2. 8 One who an oration.

3. 1 He asked for no funeral oration.

4. 3 This was the groundwork of his oration.

5. 10 He delivered an oration on the decline of family values.

6. 9 He was asked to deliver an oration at the meeting.

7. After the death of Julius Caesar he delivered his 14 Philippic orations against Mark Antony.

8. 4 The funeral oration given by her husband moved everyone deeply.

9. 7 synonyms for Allocution: address, declamation, lecture, oration, prelection, speech, talk

10. Synonyms for Allocutions include addresses, lectures, speech, talks, orations, lessons, prelections, homilies, spiels and discourse

11. His writings and public orations constantly attack Protestantism and blame the Reformation for many ills.

12. Rochester, New York, he's invited to give the 4^( th ) of July oration.

13. This exalted idea of the Consulship is borrowed from an oration (iii.p

14. But during those days the Argumentation was based on oration and logic.

15. 15 Perhaps this was another part of his very cunning, and well performed oration.

16. 11 In his oration he said that he was operating a big plant.

17. Julia died in 52 or 51 BC, and Octavius delivered the funeral oration for his grandmother.

18. Demosthenes decided to prosecute his wealthy opponent and wrote the judicial oration Against Meidias.

19. 22 It is not necessary to set down the rest of the oration.

20. Encyclical funeral oration after carved stone, still stand today east streams Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane.

21. 19 Every Saturday night a meeting is held, in which there are oration , declamation , dialogue, and debate.

22. 13 Frye was in no mood for Socratic dialogue, and he irritably resumed his oration.

23. 21 And above all, when you follow a 2 - hour oration, remember to keep It'short.

24. Followed by the elegiac address listened to his knees together[], the oration by the ceremonial reading.

25. Cicero's many works can be divided into four groups: (1) letters, (2) rhetorical treatises, (3) philosophical works, and (4) orations.

26. 6 Encyclical funeral oration after carved stone, still stand today east streams Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane.

27. 17 Followed by the elegiac address listened to his knees together, the oration by the ceremonial reading.

28. 7 Carriers participating intra oration of the item may not accept claims resulting from the above conditionacceptance.

29. 2 When his oration ended, the rector felt sufficiently relieved to try and figure out what to do.

30. Also in 342 BC, he delivered the Third Philippic, which is considered to be the best of his political orations.

31. Many experienced speakers mar their conversations as well as their orations with a profusion of ums and ers which distract attention.

32. This testament is in contrast to a funeral oration about Anna given by her contemporary, Georgios Tornikes.

33. 16 This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides.

34. willmost please him: the opening lines of Machiavelli'sdedication recall the classical oration ToNicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.

35. 20 willmost please him: the opening lines of Machiavelli'sdedication recall the classical oration ToNicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.

36. 14 On Wednesday, Byrd quoted Cicero and Aristotle in a long oration on the evils of the line-item veto.

37. His funeral oration for his friend Lord Byron, delivered in the cathedral of Missolonghi in 1824 was translated into many languages.

38. But the truth is, all those orations that I had practiced, just to get myself through some training swims as motivation -- it wasn't like that.

39. 12 Outside,[] the world was waiting for Mr Major's victory oration and shortly after 00 he made for the front door.

40. He delivered an oration condemning the government’s attempt to dissolve the UBCV with the establishment of the state-controlled Vietnam Buddhist Church.

41. 18 Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history oft he Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles.

42. But now the entire surviving corpus is marked, for Kenneth Dover has concluded that only the twelfth oration (which was Athetized by Alphonse Hecker in 1847) can confidently be called Lysias'.

43. Orations, of Arsanes agaynst Philip of Macedone: of the Embassadors of Venice against the Prince that vnder Crafty League with Scanderbeg, layed snares for Christendome: and of Scanderbeg prayeng Ayde of Christian Princes With a Notable Example of …

44. Bowier who is widely known for his riveting orations of Liberian history and who worked in the administration of Samuel Kanyon Doe, told journalists last week that there are unfolding events that parallel the two transitions, and that more will unfold as the new government moves on.

45. In another oration of Demosthenes we discover glimpses of what by many has been deemed maritime insurance, or rather of the fraud at present called Barratry, which is practised to defraud the insurer: but, as Park in his learned Treatise on Marine

46. Orations of Arsanes agaynst Philip the trecherous kyng of Macedone: : of the Embassadors of Venice against the prince that vnder crafty league with Scanderbeg, layed snares for Christendome : and of Scanderbeg prayeng ayde of Christian Princes agaynst periurous murderyng Mahumet and agaynst the old false Christian Duke Mahumetes confederate

47. Besides ‘Gorboduc’ and the translations from Peter Martyr, Calvin, and Alexander Nowell which have been already noticed, Norton was, according to Tanner, author of the anonymous ‘Orations of Arsanes agaynst Philip, the trecherous king of Macedone, with a notable Example of God's vengeance uppon a faithlesse Kyng, Quene, and her children

48. Cartelize (Amer.) all-equity discount rate asymptotic beech ekvivalentan ondoyer harvestman paronimi re private practice chalk piece ambush besondere Vertragsbedingungen ensamt hasty imprudente neven polymerized call sign; prompt accusai double-base junction transistor oration heed mistress posao so as to be impossible to regain, so as to be

49. The "Chalcedonian giant," Thrasymachus, of whom we have already heard in the Phaedrus, is the personification of the Sophists, according to Plato's conception of them, in some of their worst Characteristics.He is vain and blustering, refusing to discourse unless he is paid, fond of making an oration, and hoping thereby to escape the inevitable Socrates; but a mere child in argument, and …

50. Commiseration (n.) "sympathetic suffering of grief or sorrow for the afflictions or distress of another," 1580s, from French commisération, from Latin Commiserationem (nominative commiseratio) "part of an oration intended to excite compassion," noun of action from past-participle stem of commiserari "to pity," from com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-) + miserari "bewail, lament

51. "sympathetic suffering of grief or sorrow for the afflictions or distress of another," 1580s, from French commisération, from Latin Commiserationem (nominative commiseratio) "part of an oration intended to excite compassion," noun of action from past-participle stem of commiserari "to pity," from com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-) + miserari "bewail, lament," from miser "wretched" (see miser).